Friday, May 1, 2009


So on Tuesday I went to the homeopath, $400 for the initial appointment. I had to wait 15 minutes for her, which I was not happy about. She had a phone appt so I could overhear her talking to one of her patients. I got in and she was very warm and friendly I talked to her for almost 2 hours. I felt good afterwards all though annoyed that she did not read the intake form that I probably spent 15 or so hours working on. So I get my remedy and the assistant named Alison tells me to mix 2 pills in 12 ounces of water and take it in the morning and in the evening for 2 days. Which I thought seemed a bit much but okay I can do that. Then she give me a vial of pills and tells me to take one in the morning and in the evening until my next appointment. I was astounded and shocked. My previous homeopath told me to never take dry pellets she said that if someone prescribes dry remedies don't walk but RUN from them. So I was very conflicted and incredibly upset because I kept thinking did I just waste $400!!! I sent her an e-mail explaining to her what I have learned and that how she practices goes against what I have learned. She did tell me that I should go off the candida diet and that with homeopathy my body will be better able to absorb nutrients. So Tuesday afternoon I ate a coconut macaroon, a couple bites of a raspberry chcocolate dessert and a banana. I was really craving a banana. The rash on my neck has gotten 10 times worse. So yesterday I went back on the diet. So now I am just reading testimonials from the homeopath still trying to make up my mind. Part of me wants to just do it so I feel that I didn't waste $400. The other part of me is afraid that by doing this it could cause negative effects. Back to the diet if I go through with the homeopathy I am going to drop the diet. My reasoning is you don't know if the diet is helping or if its the homeopathy that is helping. So If I go through with this once my rash clears up a little bit I am going to introduce one food at a time every 3-4 days. Starting with raw goats milk cheese. Brain fog seems pretty bad today, and feeling very sleepy. Weight has stayed the same.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Still on the diet haven't noticed any major changes. The hunger pains have diminished. Today I had nausea, it occurred all of a sudden. Lasted maybe 10 minutes. Weight has stabilized I'm at 115.5.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I just cheated. I'm hungry all the time. I eat and then an hour and a half later I am starving. For example for lunch today I had a slice of pork roast some tomato soup, and some ground beef and I put some butter on it. An hour and a half later I was starving. For dinner I had some chicken and broccoli and I consumed some coconut oil. An hour later I am starving. I am miserable. I haven't noticed any changes. I have been on the diet officially for a week and a half. I have lose 6 pounds or so in a week and a half. Yesterday I weighed 113 lbs. I had a little sour cream yesterday and didn't notice any negative effects.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today is the fourth day that I have been on the diet. The rash on my neck has been bad today its more noticeable and sometimes feels like its on fire. I am going to take another detox bath tonight. I still need to drink the tea and do the mineral drink. I'm taking it slow. I have been feeling super hungry. Today was okay. I had my usual three eggs and three pieces of bacon. I kinda cheated today I got a Lara bar it has nuts and lemon juice. But no sugar, I ate 1/2 of it this morning and will eat the other half tomorrow. For lunch I had a cup of roasted tomato soup with basil its delicious. I need to quit buying it though and make a batch at home this weekend. I also had a bison hot dog with mustard, sugar free organic ketchup and fermented relish. I bought some fajita vegetables all ready prepared and left it at work. So there went that idea for dinner. I have pork fajita strips so I cooked them up with some eggs with nutmeg and cinnamon, it was decent. No crazy sugar/carb cravings!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Haven't been updating much. I pretty much went on the diet officially yesterday. I bought all of the supplements except for the separate niacin. Was incredibly hungry today.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's been quite some time since I have written. My birthday was a week ago so I was not eating all that well. My rash cleared up quite a bit over the weekend. I still have it but its not as noticeable. I saw my endocrinologist today. My thyroid, b12 and iron levels were re-tested. My b12 levels were great since I was taking a B12 supplement which I plan on stopping when I am officially on the diet. My thyroid levels were a little lower then they were four months ago, and the doctor said that they were optimal. I am quite frustrated with her. She gave me a prescription to increase my dose, but I am not going to fill it. My Total Iron Level decreased my almost 30. My ferritn level went up by 8. I am going to start taking the dessicated liver pills once I order them. I have still been doing the detox baths. I am starting to slowly take coconut oil.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I should be sleeping now. Last night I took a yoga class had a bison burger no bun and did a detox bath. Today when I woke up I felt better emotionally and my rash didn't look quite as bad. I have not been sleeping well for a couple weeks. When I woke up today I hit the snooze 3-4 times. I did not feel like getting out of bed. I went to a coffee shop and got a tea latte and and oatmeal raisin cookie. I did not feel well after wards my tummy hurt and I started to feel nauseous when reading. I drove to Santa Barbara and I started to feel like I was going to be sick ended up leaving work early because of the nausea. Later on tonight I went to get one last ice cream. I felt awful afterwards tummy started to hurt I became incredibly hot then my body returned to normal temperature. the bottom of my ears have been dry and seem to be a lot warmer then usual. I became very upset with a friend and started crying I feel that I am emotionally drained. I can't handle things as I normally would, I've always been very sensitive but now just the slightest things can upset me.